After thorough consideration and voting between the group members we decided to implement the fist design for the Automatic Secateurs.
The first design is simple and almost everyone is familiar to it. Gavin's design although much simpler, it doesn't suit the purpose we intend to fulfill. A longer handle could be quite a nuisance for the elderly. That type of secateurs could be mainly used for high branches on trees. Usually the elderly deal with small and short plants or trees. A longer handle could also be proved difficult to handle.
Eliana's design is also rejected mainly due to technical problems arising from the fact that the elderly will have to place the plastic around the branch each time they want to use it. If we take it from their point of view, this step means wasting time to pass the tape through the hole. For most of them it can be a very difficult task considering the poor eyesight. Also it is radically different from the classical designs and elderly will not be willing to adapt to totally new ways of thinking.
I believe that this is a good point to start. As I can see this secateur maintains the classical secateur design.