The following are the answers to the questionaire used to gather data about preferences for gardening as taken from our personas.
-- Section 1: Demographics --
John: 76-80
Harris: 60-65
Kathrin: 71-75
May: 80+
John: Male
Harris: Male
Kathrin: Female
May: Female
Type of Housing
John: House
Harris: Cottage
Kathrin: Flat
May: House
John: Private
Harris: Private
Kathrin: Rented
May: Private
Do you have a garden?
John: Yes
Harris: Yes
Kathrin: Yes
May: Yes
If you have a garden, who maintains it?
John: Me
Harris: Me
Kathrin: Me
May: Family
How inclined would you be to help maintain your garden given the opportunity
May: Very Much so
-- Section 2: Practicality and usefulness of product --
How satisfied are you with your gardening clipping tools?
John: Neutral
Harris: Very Satisfied
Kathrin: Dissatisfied
May: Neutral
What is your greatest limitation in the garden?
John: Strength
Harris: Flexibility
Kathrin: Strength
May: Endurance
How challenging do you find cutting branches up to 1/2 inch across?
John: Moderately difficult
Harris: No problem
Kathrin: Moderately difficult
May: Moderately difficult
Can you foresee this becoming more challenging in the future?
John: Yes
Harris: Yes
Kathrin: Yes
May: Yes
-- Section 3: Cost and purchasing habits --
Who buys your gardening tools?
John: Son or Daughter
Harris: Myself
Kathrin: Spoose
May: Son or Daughter
Where do you purchase your gardening tools?
Harris: Local Store
Kathrin: Super Store
Would you consider replacing your existing gardening tools?
Harris: Most likely
Kathrin: Most likely
How much would you be prepared to spend?
Harris: Up to £50
Kathrin: Up to £50
-- Section 4: Confidence with Power tools --
Do you have any power tools in your home?
John: No
Harris: Yes
Kathrin: No
May: No
If yes, how often do you use power tools in your home or garden?
Harris: At least once per month
How comfortable would you feel about using a power tool instead of a manual tool to clip branches?
John: Very Uncomfortable
Harris: Definitely more comfortable
Kathrin: Comfortable
May: Uncomfortable Neutral
Would you feel confident recharging batteries?
John: Yes
Harris: Yes
Kathrin: Yes
May: Yes
What is your main concern with power tools?
John: Safety
Harris: Cost
Kathrin: Safety
May: Breaking them